President Akufo-Addo Should Tap Into ‘Oman Ghana Baako Agenda’
he President of OGHA, Organisation of Ghanaians Abroad, Mr. Osei Mensah Michael who doubles as the President of the Ghanaian Community Representative Council, GHACIF has asked President Akufo Addo to tap into the Potentials of Oman Ghana Baako Agenda which seeks to create payment of a voluntary patriotic tax for Ghanaians Abroad and Ghanaians living in Ghana who so wish.
He said this when he welcomed ace Adom FM broadcaster and Dwaaso Nsem journalist Captain Smart to Paris in France last Friday.
One Diasporan organization which is gathering massive wave is ‘Oman Ghana Baako (OGB). This is a body that seeks to bring all Ghanaians together to help in the development processes of the country.
The Organisation of Ghanaians Abroad, OGHA has teamed up with OGB to promote the Ghanaian agenda across the globe. OGB is building participation in almost every country in the world.
With their huge vision, members shall pay only one-unit currency (1 cedi for members in Ghana, 1 dollar for members in America, 1 Pound for Members in Britain, etc) or more every month to promote the worthy vision.
He said this vision can go a long way to be useful for the Ghana Beyond Aid and Free Education Agenda even though OGB and OGHA, Organisation of Ghanaians Abroad are non-partisan. They only seek to help governments succeed in the interest of Ghanaians.
Mr. Osei Mensah Michael is the author of the Ghanaian book which featured at the 2019 Africa Authors Lounge of UNESCO. '' A Call for a Ministry of Ghanaians in Foreign Lands with Two Subsidiary Parliamentary Seats from Each Continent''.