What is Oman Ghana Baako?
Oman Ghana Baako is a non-government policy organisation; it is not a political party. Oman Ghana Baako is developing policies to realise its vision & will work with national & regional governments to implement them.
Oman Ghana Baako is not naïve; we recognise that change & development are political processes, that resistance from advantaged interest groups will be encountered, & that conflict over resources is inevitable. Oman Ghana Baako will identify resources, confront corruption, implement a program of lifetime basic & aspirational entitlements, & provide inspiration to all residents.
Oman Ghana Baako’s short-term goals are:
- to publicise its program;
- to recruit intellectual, moral & financial support among the Ghanaian diaspora, & progressive residents & institutions at home.
What are the programs of Oman Ghana Baako?
- Program: Oman Ghana Baako intends to
- Identify & negotiate commitment of resources in public ownership, reserving them for use or allocation by the state, to enable assurance of basic social entitlements (above) to our whole Ghanaian society;
- Confront corruption with civic education throughout society: in schools, workplaces, media & communities;
- Develop social services & amenities, targeting our most vulnerable & deprived first;
- Diminish economic disparity by assurance of basic social entitlements to all residents; rural, regional & urban employment programs; & fair taxation applicable to all economic activities.